The Company Of Cerin Amroth
About the Company of Cerin Amroth
Image by Dave Spellman.
“I said to him once: ‘You broke the veil, didn’t you, and passed through?’ which in fact he did and which he readily admitted.”[1]​
Mae Govannen!
The C.C.A. is a UK-based, fully contacted esoteric group, meaning that we work in collaboration with inner plane beings concerned with Middle-earth and with the broader Western Mystery Tradition. Our founding assumption is that Middle-earth has an objective inner reality, which forms the bedrock of a new stream of magic in the Western Mysteries. Our deep roots draw from the ancient wisdom traditions of the west, but renewed, through this myth for our times.​
This is a pioneering area of the mysteries. We are dedicated to the study, development, and furtherance of the symbolic and magical material in Tolkien’s mythology, for the benefit of all living beings. Tolkien intended to write a mythology for England, but his tales grew in the telling, to concern the living planet earth that the elves called Arda- and all her inhabitants.​
Our work takes place under the aegis and protection of Christ of the Deep Green, and Miriam the Virgin, the Dancer in the Temple. Our Guide is the great wizard and angelic being Mithrandir and the White Council as it presently exists. (This title does not reflect any current cultural constructs about race but reflects the Council as outlined in the myth).
Study Course.
We offer an initiatory path rooted in the myth of Middle-earth, which aims to provide the conditions and companionship to develop and support those people whose magical ability and mystical sensitivity exist together with intellectual discernment and who are committed to working towards wholeness. For the flourishing of magical talent in this age is inextricably linked with the evolution of the soul and the illuminated personality. The ancient injunction to 'Know Thyself' requires us to fully express the Self on all levels. Knowledge, properly understood, means full expression: this does not exclude our psychology, as embodied beings. It is this which prepares us to participate in the Second Song. To achieve this, we are required to enter the inner worlds, attune our Will to the spiritual realms, and, as the only creatures not bound by the first Creation Song, navigate moral authority and the arts of sub-creation, and to work together in harmony with other beings.
​Our magical influences spring from the ancient wisdom traditions of the west, including the magical heritage of Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight. However these are being renewed through the myth of Middle-earth and are suited to the contemporary aspirant. Our magical work is co-created with the elven priesthood. We believe that no individual or group can truly serve the mysteries without attention paid to its own process of 'becoming' which includes the psyche and relationship to the ego.
Our study course is based upon the three rays as follows:
Green Ray: Nature and the Arts, the Nous.
Purple Ray: Aspirational, Devotional, Mysticism.
Orange Ray: Hermeticism, the Intellect, textual analysis and language, Qabalah.
Our study course is structured. But it is also possible to become involved in our work at different degrees of depth- the path of each one through the mysteries is usually- and rightly- both straight and winding. ​
The Path of the Halflings is our foundational study course and comprises 10 lessons, each of which takes between one month and two months to complete. It follows the path of the Halflings as they learn to approach and enter the inner realms, complete the quest, and return to plant its fruits- the Mallorn in the Shire. One of the perils of the esoteric and magical path has always been inflated ego and solipsism, which is closely linked to our attitude to, and relationship with, other living beings. This is, too, one of the great challenges of our times. This is mitigated by following the path of the Halflings, which is one where small hands do the work. This does not, however, make it an easy path, nor one of small value.
Each lesson consists of study of the qabalah, daily meditation, and a pathworking which follows the journey of the Halflings. This quest is aligned to the sephiroth of the Tree of Life, and so we begin in the Shire, in Malkuth, then move to the Old Forest, in Yesod, and onwards.... This is a deep quest into what it means to be human, to strive towards wholeness, to face and overcome our fear of darkness and death, and discover deep beauty and magic. It is a quest into the inner reality of Middle-earth and those who dwell there. Knowledge papers explore various aspects of magic and Middle-earth. There is reading from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and additional magical work as appropriate.
​This foundational course is self-contained and offers a sufficient grounding in the Western Mysteries to equip the Seeker to potentially function at the level of the mediating awareness of Tiphareth (at least some of the time!). As the CCA evolves and grows we are reviewing opportunities for further study.
These requirements have magical significance as measures of your foundation and readiness for magical work:
You should be sufficiently stable and established in Malkuth.
You should be drawn to Luthany.
You should be committed to a path of light.
Daily meditation 10-30 mins, and the writing up of realisations.
Additional study time and practice, 2-3 hours per week.
The C.C.A. does not charge tuition fees: this is a work of service. There is a non-refundable registration fee of £50 for the study course to help cover our costs. Attending any meetings or workshops involves travel and venue costs. ​
These responsibilities have magical significance as preparation for the greater responsibilities of magical service:
You are responsible for your own soul.
You are responsible for your own wellbeing. Magical work involves transformation. We aim to provide good care of the soul, but each individual is responsible for seeking any therapeutic or medical support required.
Work is to be completed and submitted regularly. If this is not possible, it is your responsibility to let us know.
The C.C.A. is not concerned with secrecy. However, members are required to use their discernment and to respect the privacy of others and the integrity of the material.​
Practical Work.
We offer in-person workshops (usually in Glastonbury) where the magical material of Middle-earth can be developed and explored, where magical experience can be gained, and work done for the benefit of all.
Some workshops can be open to guests with suitable aptitude and experience who are drawn to this myth.
For members we offer regular linked meditations that can be done at home, in collaboration with others.
​Role of Supervisor.
The material, and the student’s engagement with it, is the teacher. Supervision supports this process.
​Is this the right group for me?
The most important indicator of this is your own intuition, your response to our aims, and to Middle-earth. In the end, though, experience shows that this ultimately only becomes clear by engaging with the material. You should honestly consider whether you meet our requirements.
For queries and details of how to apply, please use our contact form.
[1] Verlyn Flieger 2017 p.28. reporting a conversation between Tolkien and one of his students.